Friday, August 24, 2012

Les temps changent

When we made our big decision to leave Finland for the south of France, one of the big reasons was that we were becoming increasingly frustrated with the climate of southern Finland. Some nice months (weeks?) in the heart of the summer and the winter, but lots of waiting in between! How many mornings did we wake up in despair at yet another cloudy sky? We would check the forecast several times a day and rejoice when the 5-day prediction showed a glimmer of sunshine some distant after-noon. Maybe.

Some people warned us that it might be too hot in the south of France. "Pffff, ridiculous" we answered. After five years getting used to the idea that a temperature just creeping over +20˚ is meant to be nice, we claimed we would not complain about the heat for, well, at least 2 years! Minimum!

Fast forward seven weeks and we're struggling to keep to our word! The first few weeks were nice. We'd only complain in our car. But it has no air-conditioning so that's not the same, right? We can complain about that, right? Right. Good. Hmmm but then the cumulative effect kicked in. Basically, the temperature barely goes under 20˚ at the coldest time of night. Sometimes it stays over. And the daytime temperature is usually around 32˚. OK for a couple of weeks holiday. Tiring in the long run.

And then to finish us off, France just got hit by a huge heatwave. For over three days running, the temperature was around 37˚. But not only that, the humidity was about 95% and there was hardly any wind. Even the locals found it hard. We capitulated. IT WAS TOO HOT!!!! There, I said it. I feel better.

Now the funny thing is that this morning we woke up to a cloudy sky and... celebrated!! Oh how times change...

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Charles. One month of such weather in 2003 got the best of me and had me flee to any colder country. Guess where I ended up ;-)
